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Cottage Care

Opening Your Muskoka Cottage This Weekend? 10 Mistakes To Avoid!

Opening Your Muskoka Cottage This Weekend? 10 Mistakes To Avoid! Opening Your Muskoka Cottage This Weekend? 10 Mistakes To Avoid! It’s finally here! And frankly, we might even be more excited than our kids are about it… Our Muskoka Cottage...

Professional Muskoka Cottage Closing Saves You Money and Time

Professional Muskoka Cottage Closing Saves You Money and Time Professional Muskoka Cottage Closing Saves You Money and Time As a seasonal property owner, you know that there is no substitute for being there, in person, to tend to your cottage maintenance...

Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening

Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening Seasonal cottage life has been on what feels like a permanent pause since the global pandemic began. We have heard from many...