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Where Should You Use Heat Cable for Frozen Pipe Protection?

Where Should You Use Heat Cable for Frozen Pipe Protection? Where Should You Use Heat Cable for Frozen Pipe Protection?  After weathering Ontario's extreme winter weather for three-quarters of a century now, there is one fact we can state with...

Dreading Furnace Energy Bills This Winter? These Tips Can Help Cut Your Heating Costs

Dreading Furnace Energy Bills This Winter? These Tips Can Help Cut Your Heating Costs Dreading Furnace Energy Bills This Winter? These Tips Can Help Cut Your Heating Costs Climate change. A global pandemic. The expanding remote workforce. What do these three items have in...

Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening

Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening Why This Is the Year for a Professional Seasonal Cottage Opening Seasonal cottage life has been on what feels like a permanent pause since the global pandemic began. We have heard from many...